to Schools programme
The department of Chemistry took up an extension
activity namely ‘Lab To Schools’ programme on 4.2.2020 at MPUP School in Kuntamukkala village, which does not
have lab facility at all. This event would motivate the young minds to exercise
social responsibility in empowering the unprivileged students to visualize the
concepts experimentally and make their learning effective.
Ten students from Chemistry cluster as mentors and
two faculty members were involved in this event. Basic chemical science
concepts from V to VIII class were taken for live Experimental demonstrations and
shown class wise with good explanation by our mentor students.
inculcate social responsibility, at the end of the event, in each class, our
students brought awareness on water consumption and management strategies to be
followed to face one of the global problems ‘Water Scarcity’.

Industrial visit and study tour to CIPET, 2019-2020
The department of
chemistry organized an industrial visit cum study tour to CIPET (Central
Institute of Plastic Engineering and Technology) located at Surampally on
13.1.2020 for the students of II BSc – MPC, MCCs, CBZ, BioTech, FMC. 75
students were taken to the visit and were accompanied by 4 degree faculty
Outcome of the
- Mr D. Anjaneya Sharma, Sr Technical Officer at CIPET has coordinated the visit at CIPET.
- Mr K.P.Singh has given orientation about CIPET, PG-Diploma courses at CIPET and career opportunities in this field.
- Students were given inputs about different instruments used in two testing laboratories, mould designing lab and tool rooms.
- Then students were exposed to production unit which consists of recycling- equipment and different modes of moulding systems (injection moulding, compression moulding, film moulding, blow moulding etc.).
- A live demo was given exclusively for students in testing department.

Alchemy Fair-2019
department has organized ‘Alchemy Fair- 2019’
(chemistry exhibition) inaugurated by Prof.M.V.Basaveswara
Rao, Krishna University on 26.7.2018 in our college campus with a noble
initiative of promoting benevolence and support for the needy people through
‘Bowl of Rice’ concept. It is an expression of intellectual potential and
compassion. Transfer of knowledge of basic concepts of chemistry by live
demonstrations is carried out by the students of ‘Alchemy Club’ of chemistry
- A total number of 50 live experiments are demonstrated related to different concepts of chemistry like combustion, sublimation, crystallization, stalactite, stalagmites, esterification, acid-base concepts, acid-base indicators, oxidation-reduction reactions, displacement reactions, solid state reactions, complex formation reactions, endothermic, exothermic reactions, evaporation, polymerization reactions, optical properties of light, Tyndall effect, rate of reactions, effect of catalyst on rate, effect of temperature on equilibrium, electrochemistry experiments, chemical reactivity series; separation techniques like paper, thin layer chromatography; solvent extraction; etc.
- Each experiment is monitored by a 3 membered team.
- Total number of students as demonstrators is 150.
- Other members of Alchemy club are involved in different duties like registration (Rice) desk, discipline committee; feedback desk etc. monitored by faculty members of chemistry department.
- Entry fee for the exhibition is ‘Bowl of Rice’.
- Total number of students visited from different colleges and schools is more than 1000.
- Amount of rice collected as entry fee is approx. 400 Kg.
- The collected rice is distributed to
Shine Foundation,
DJ Nayak,
Ph. No: 7382898030
Interaction of DJ Nayak with Some of the Alchemy
members from intermediate section
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